Sunday, August 16, 2015

August 17-21

Team Peake,

We had a fantastic first week together in first grade! You truly have amazing children who have come to school each day eager to learn. Thank you for supporting this at home. I look forward to seeing each of you at Orientation this upcoming Tuesday at 5:30. Please bring any questions that you may have about second grade. I will have a lot of information prepared to discuss with you about what to expect this year and how to stay connected with our class. I am THRILLED to have this evening with you all as I missed it last year while on Maternity Leave. :) Please arrange for childcare as this evening is not for the children, but for parent/teacher collaboration.

Please encourage your child's independence as they will have more responsibilities this year, including keeping up with their agenda. Each morning your child will write down his or her homework in the given subject as well as any important words to memorize throughout the week. This is where our class will be keeping the Red Words for the week. I will not be posting these online as your child will keep them in their agenda.

If your child has trouble throughout the day and has moved his or her clip to "parent contact" this is where I will write a small note that is to be signed and returned the following day.

We will be continuing and expanding upon the previous weeks' skills.

Important Updates and Reminders:

Congratulations to our newest Star Student, Jackie Dwyer! This spectacular student has been welcoming and gracious to our new friends and has shown great kindness to all of her classmates and teachers by always lending a helping hand. We are thankful for Jackie and look forward to learning more about what makes her so special this upcoming week. Way to go, girl!

Our classroom could benefit from having a dehumidifier. I would like to add this to our wish list because our end of the school does not have the best central air system.

As always, please e-mail me with any questions or concerns.

Have a great week!

Jean Peake

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