Sunday, May 17, 2015

Last Week of First Grade

Hello Team Peake!

It is hard to believe that this upcoming week is our last together in first grade! We have an exciting week ahead of us and will make each minute count as we reflect back on our favorite memories and set goals for the future. I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing your child with me this school year and for also sharing your gifts and time with us to make this school year great. It has been such an honor watching these children grow and become more independent learners. It has also been a joy getting to know you as well as your other family members.

I am also looking forward to transitioning with your child to second grade and thank you for this opportunity! I am confident that next year will be even more successful as we continue to  work as a team to ensure that your child meets his or her full potential. I will be in touch over the summer with some fun ways you can help your child continue his or her growth. APS is also sending home a reading packet for each child this week. What a special treat!

If your child is playing a sport or has any extracurricular activity over the summer, please send me their schedules as Henry and I would love to come support them!

Here are a few announcements and reminders:

  • Tuesday, May 19th is Field Day! Please make sure your child wears comfortable, athletic gear. Please send in a water bottle with your child that has his or her name clearly marked. They will be able to refill water as they rotate through their field day stations. Thank you Ed Juline for being our volunteer!

  • If you have not done so, please send in a self-addressed and stamped envelope with your child so that he or she can receive their final report card. 

  • First Grade End of the Year Parties are scheduled for May 22nd from 8:30-9:30. You are welcome to join us in the classroom as we celebrate a wonderful year!

  • On the last day of school, Friday, May 22nd, our class will be CAMPING OUT in the classroom! Your child may wear his or her pajamas and bring a sleeping bag or blanket and also a flash light. 

  • Please upload any pictures from this school year to our Class Shutterfly site so that all can enjoy the precious memories we have made. :)

A special THANK YOU to our Room Moms, Kathryn Brown and Dawn Dwyer! You have gone above and beyond in helping our class. You two ladies are amazing and we are all very thankful for you!

Thank you all for your continued support!

All the best,

Jean Peake

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11-May15

Sawubona, Team Peake!

This Zulu greeting is how your child will greet me and his or her friends each day this week as we are traveling through the beautiful and culturally diverse country of South Africa. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of our International Travelers Committee, our school is able to participate in an engaging and fun-filled journey that will leave them feeling as if they have truly traveled to another country.

Please encourage your child's learning by asking him or her to teach you about the different facts that they have learned throughout the week! Team Peake is already off to a fantastic start. Thank you so much to those who have volunteered their time to be with us!

Here are a few important reminders and annoucements:

All library books must be returned ASAP as Ms. Stewart is collecting end of the year inventory. Letters will be going home THIS FRIDAY for overdue notices, so please make sure if any library books are in your home to have your child return those so that you do not receive this letter.

Please send in a self-addressed and stamped envelope in with your child by THIS FRIDAY, March 15th. We will be using these to send home final report cards.

Team Peake filled up the BIG BUCKET OF FUZZIES for the second time this year!!! They have decided that their reward will be to "silly string" their teacher. Oh yikes! The students have truly had excellent behavior and have worked as a team to receive this reward. Way to go, 1st graders!

Congratulations to our newest Star Student, Chris Thomas! We are proud of our hard working and caring friend. We are looking forward to learning more about our friend, Chris and what makes him so special! Way to go!